ここではかつて、都の建築を支えた北山丸太産業や伝統芸能は廃れてしまい、人口も減り、山や畑が手入れされないまま、放置されいる場所が年々多くなっています。Yono Farmは完全循環型の里山を現代社会の暮らし方に落とし込んで、再興しようというプロジェクトです。

「有機栽培・無農薬で安心安全の食をfarm to tableで提供する。」


Yono Farm is a project that aims to revive the satoyama, a completely circular system, by incorporating it into the way we live today in modern society.

Our aims are as follows.
To provide safe and secure organic and pesticide-free food from farm to table.
To practice highly productive natural farming methods in cooperation with the forestry industry.
To advocate for an environmentally friendly arts and crafts culture.

We will make all of these activities interactive and connect them to ecotourism by creating a series of accommodations where people can relax and rest their minds in nature. In addition, the energy used in the area will be generated by a wood-based biomass power plant using local thinned lumber, making the infrastructure 100% self-reliant and sustainable.